Imbued Health | Case Study
Website aim is to sell the unique products based on mid-wave technology which allows the athlete's mental awareness and focus during practice, to integrate mental strategies, such as Bodyweight Competency, Weight Transitions etc. We were assigned with the task to create a cost effective website to sell products online.

Client Requirements
The client wanted to sell the unique products based on mid-wave technology. The Mid-Wave Technologies allows the athlete's mental awareness and focus during practice, to integrate mental strategies, such as Bodyweight Competency, Weight Transitions, Deceleration, Alignment of Proper Running Mechanics, Increasing Intuitive Mobility and Strengthen the Back Trunk Stability. We were assigned with the task to create a cost effective website to sell products online.
Cost Effective
Fast Turnaround
Accept online payments
Sell products in various unique combinations
Google Search Engine Friendly
Responsive website
Fast loading speed
Our Solution
To provide fast and cost effective turn around, we used Wordpress and AVADA theme as base to build the website. We also built a custom wordpress plugin for generating online quotes. The plugin provides a management panel to enter prices for various combinations of options and let the users to select options and generate online quotation. See the online quotation wordpress plugin in action here.
Created dedicated mobile theme for fast loading and accurate display on mobile phones and tablets.
Integrated Microformats to display recipe data in Google search results
Third party plugins for SEO, Fast Speed, Sharing recipe photos on Pinterest and social media integration
Technology Platform
PayPal Payment Gateway

Client Testimonial
“Very happy with the website. Good Work”
Michael Kalezic
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